How do you know if the watch you are buying is real of fake? The old saying is if it’s too good to be true, it probably is. But with Ebay, buying highly sought after items, with a little skill, some luck and good timing, can net a person a rare find while not hurting their wallet enormously. Ebay, the online buying and selling marketplace, is now stepping up its.. Read More
What is a Hamilton Seckron “Doctors Watch”?
Surely everyone has been stuck in a waiting room past your appointment time, endlessly waiting for your time to be called back and seen by the doctor. So for some, it might come as a surprise there is such a timepiece nicknamed “the doctor’s watch.” The Hamilton, officially named the Seckron, was a line of watches produced between 1935 and 1941. With its dual-dial style, it was seen as less.. Read More