This week’s blog post will continue showing you some of the tools and equipment that I use every day to repair your watch. I am glad to see everyone is interested in how your watch is repaired and what a normal day is like at the “watch shop”.
My glasses and loupe

My glasses and Loupe are the heart of my job. Without my loupe, I am out of business. I started my career with a single-eye eyepiece loupe. That worked fine for about 10 years, but my eyes changed a bit and I need to move on to glasses and my standard double loupe. This system works much better for me. My glasses are a bit tinted to cut down on the glare of my bench lamp, so there is less eye strain. I am using a Behr Loupe model #55. The loupe is two inches by three and-a-half focal length. That means when I am working normally, I just have one lens that I am looking through and the distance from the lens to the work area is three-and-a-half inches. When I fold down the outer lens, then the work distance is closer, down to two inches.
The magnification is three power single and five power double. This is also personal preference, so the distance to your work area can be shortened or lengthened by the different lenses that you use. Mine is pretty standard. When you use both lenses, for hairspring work for example, you are now closer to the work and things get bigger. It is also a bit tougher to “operate”.
My old single Loupe

Tom and I ready for another day at the shop

One interesting note on my son Tom. He is left-handed, but right-eyed. It’s very unusual to be able to work with your left hand while looking through your right eye to work! Working on a watch with your left hand is also difficult. Even watches are set up for us righties!
Case Wrenches

Starting off the process of repairing your watch, you need to open the case. On the left is a standard adjustable case wrench that is used on most screw back cases. On the right is a Rolex case wrench.
Crystal lift

This is a crystal lift. It is used when removing a standard plastic crystal. The black knob on the bottom is tightened and that squeezes the crystal just enough to remove or install it.

This is a standard set of pliers. They are made in Germany, and a bit expensive. The quality is outstanding.

These broaches come in different sizes and are used to clean out or enlarge a hole in a watch case etc. Lots of different uses around the shop.
Grinding wheels

These are an assortment of small grinding wheels that fit into my flexible shaft. They are used whenever I need to sharpen, shape or polish a watch part or in refinishing a watch case.
Buffing Wheels

These are larger buffing wheels that I also use on my flexible shaft. They are used in refinishing a watch case and can remove scratches or put the brush finish back on a case. I use them at a slow speed so that I can control the level of polishing.
One Touch

If you are in my age bracket (over 50) you may remember “Silly Putty.” One Touch is a soft, stretchy substance that is used in a variety of duties every day. It can be used to remove oil or fingerprints from a watch movement, you can use it to hold or pick up a tiny spring or jewel, it will hold a part in place on your bench etc. A tool that has many uses and is always withing easy reach on my bench
Next week, I will show you my buffing, cleaning and timing machines. Lots of cools stuff to come!
CHARLEY PHOTO OF THE WEEK: Charley can get three walks a day, but she still expects someone to pay attention and play with her.