Every now and then , a watch comes into the shop that looks like it has had a “hard life”. I received a Rolex a few weeks ago that was desparetely in need of a little “Tender Loving Care”. The Rolex had a badly damaged crystal, the case tube was old and worn, the stem would not stay in place and the band was very dirty. After a first quick look at the watch, I was a bit hesitant on taking on the project. I quoted the customer the normal repair cost, received the go ahead and got started on the project. Below I will show you a few before and after pictures on how the watch looked as it arrived, and how it looked after my service. The finished project is better than I could have hoped for

Watch after cleaning

This project is a good example of how with a little hard work, a vintage watch can be restored to its former glory days. Hopefully this one will have a long and productive life ahead of it.
Total cost for the repair including the return shipping was $300….