March 2020 - The Watch Doctor

The "Doctor" is Always In!

What Tools Does a Watchmaker Use? – Part 2

This week’s blog post will continue showing you some of the tools and equipment that I use everyday to repair your watch. I was very surprised at the level of interest in last week’s post and I am glad to see that everyone is interested in how your watch is repaired and how a normal day is at the “watch shop.” Glasses and Loupe My glasses and loupe are the heart.. Read More

What Tools Does a Watchmaker Use?

Over the past few months, I have had a number of customers ask me how I do my job and what tools I use. I thought it might be interesting for my customers to see what my workshop looks like and all of the specialized tools that I use everyday. My workbench is 42 inches tall, 40 inches wide and 17 inches deep. This is the standard working size for.. Read More

What Sets Businesses Apart? Usually – Customer Service Experience

What is the most important aspect of any business?  Many times, a potential customer will research and compare price and location, maybe reading up on reviews as well. At the end of the day, customer service is a dealbreaker. It’s been said that how you handle problems is the biggest thing that you can do to keep your business growing.  My business is like any other service business, in that.. Read More

How Accurate Can a Vintage Watch Be?

Many people ask the question: “How accurate can a vintage watch really be?” The short answer? It depends. The accuracy of a vintage watch is at the at mercy of its original quality and construction, and accuracy owes even more to the quality of its upkeep over the years. A high-quality, chronometer-grade watch that was carefully maintained and cared for over the years can approach chronometer standards, even still today. However,.. Read More

Time to “Spring Forward”

If you’re reading this message, then you deserve a bit of congratulations. Not only did you make it through the work week, but also through the bulk of winter. However, with spring nearing, that means it’s time to change our clocks. Daylight Savings Time officially begins at 2 a.m. Sunday. That means remember to SPRING AHEAD an hour on all your clocks, watches, VCRs and microwaves before you go to bed on.. Read More

Let’s Look at Some Luxury Stainless Steel Watches

There are many ways a watch can be considered “luxurious”.  Maybe it is filled with diamonds and jewels. Maybe it’s a famous model known for its history, or simply for being worn on the wrists of the rich and powerful. Perhaps it’s just the watch’s composition.  Until the 1970s, stainless steel watches were mostly for specific jobs, whether that was on the railroad or on the wrists of scientists (anti-magnetic),.. Read More