The "Doctor" is Always In!

4 Classic Watches that Withstand the Test of Time

These four classic watches are legends. In today’s marketplace, there are endless options when choosing to purchase a watch. In fact, there might be too many options, especially if the buyer is a first-timer and wants a tried-and-true classic. So, how do you choose a solid watch when you have every option between smart watches and iced-out jewelry you might find on the latest trending rapper with a sparkle you.. Read More

Interesting Customers and The Watches They Wear

Over the years I have had the opportunity to work on some very interesting watches. Everything from a turn of the century Hamilton pocket watch to a $20,000 Rolex. I have also had the opportunity to work with some very interesting customers. Everyone from doctors, lawyers, teachers, Navy Seals, judges, airline pilots, stock car racers, NFL agents, journalists, banking executives, carpenters, plumbers, college professors etc. I would like to make.. Read More

What are the Perks of Watch Collecting?

Collecting vintage watches might not be your thing. With watches, collectors have to look into how much a timepiece needs polished or refurbished while also being wary of fakes — and mindful of your pocketbook. If vintage watch collecting isn’t your thing, then perhaps collecting vintage accessories for watches is more up your alley. Unlike watches, accessories usually aren’t in bad shape and the market isn’t flooded with fakes and.. Read More

Is the Watch You are Buying Real or Fake?

How do you know if the watch you are buying is real of fake? The old saying is if it’s too good to be true, it probably is. But with Ebay, buying highly sought after items, with a little skill, some luck and good timing, can net a person a rare find while not hurting their wallet enormously. Ebay, the online buying and selling marketplace, is now stepping up its.. Read More

What is a Hamilton Seckron “Doctors Watch”?

Surely everyone has been stuck in a waiting room past your appointment time, endlessly waiting for your time to be called back and seen by the doctor. So for some, it might come as a surprise there is such a timepiece nicknamed “the doctor’s watch.” The Hamilton, officially named the Seckron, was a line of watches produced between 1935 and 1941. With its dual-dial style, it was seen as less.. Read More

What is a Hybrid Smartwatch?

When cell phones boomed into prominence in the first decade of the 21st century, it wouldn’t have been a exaggeration to say watches would see a downturn in popularity now that people could see the time easily on their phones — while doing so many other things like texting, calling, swiping, poking and liking. In recent years, though, timepieces have been making a comeback to wrists left and right. Instead.. Read More

What’s a Caliper Slide Rule watch?

Do you need a need a new watch and want to ask Santa to bring one to you this year? If that’s your wish this holiday season, why not go with the most technological watch — and no, we’re not talking about a smart watch with WiFi, GPS, step tracker or the ability to check your Twitter account with the swipe of a finger. The Slide Rule is a watch.. Read More

What Makes Asymmetrical Watches Stand Out

If you were to ask someone to draw a watch, you’d likely come up with similar renderings with circular case and a rectangular band wrapping around. Though the basic outline shape is true for most watches, some stray away from symmetrical design for the watch face. Asymmetrical watches exist in the marketplace as an escape from conformity. One, like English brand Arnold & Son, used their 250th anniversary to release.. Read More

A Brief History of the Rolex Cellini Watch

When a person wants to show elegance, pairing a watch with an outfit might be one option. Rolex is the watch standard for elegance. But which type of Rolex should you go with? While Rolex’s sportier models might get more attention and prestige, the Cellini line is Rolex’s jump into the dress watch line with a thinner and more streamlined approach. The line is named after Benvenuto Cellini, a 16th.. Read More